Sherpa Reynolds
Based in the UK
Release date:
1st December 2016
iOS (Currently Unavailable)
Regular Price:
GBP | £0.79 |
EUR | €0.99 |
USD | $0.99 |
CAD | $1.19 |
A beat matching memory game, for fans of 'one more go' type games. The player must LISTEN to a sequence of beats, RECALL that sequence and then REPEAT it back, keeping it IN TIME for additional bonuses. New elements are thrown in as play progresses so everyone should be able to feel challenged and find their level. Unique concoctions of items (i.e. a Cricket Bat hitting a Trampoline) are driven by the on screen button presses to create a more tactile and engaging experience. Although there are items to unlock, new modes to uncover and high-scores targets to reach, the aim has been to not over indulge in such things, and make it a more focused experience for the player. They will never feel like they have to over-work for rewards and will instead progress based solely on their skill level (and how much training they put in). A key part of this game requires you to use your ears, so headphones (although not necessary) will enhance the experience and give you that bit of an advantage.
Originally started as a break project from the more experiential ‘Flights Of Fancy’, the initial concept has been fleshed out into 5 full stages, and now represents a complete experience all of its own. It was built on a love of audio driven design, where your ears are just as valuable to you as your eyes and in-fact aids those players who are willing to use them. Various other game modes and ways of playing were discovered during development and plans are afoot to flesh them out, updating this game or creating a spin-off with a more minimalistic and less graphically reliant approach in the future.
- A test of both MEMORY and RHYTHM in a fun and engaging way.
- Hand crafted visual style, combining; cartoons, comics, and Jazz poster art.
- Audio driven design, from gameplay to the individuality of the stages.
- Addictive and challenging, requiring both patience and a willingness to improve.
- A complete bespoke experience, something people can immerse themselves in but not feel overwhelmed by.
Finger Band - Game Trailer YouTube
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Selected Articles
- "Finger Band doesn’t set any new standards in innovation, what it does is provide you with a short and fun game to help you improve your memory and succeeds at it ten-fold."
- Mike Vane, @PlayNicePlayNow - "Finger Band has risk versus reward pinned down exactly where it should be. It keeps hardcores playing, and it does not scare off more casual players."
- Luna Eriksson, Cubed3 - "...with its slightly bizarre approach to memory and music games, it manages to bring a different, and somewhat crazy, vision to the subgenre."
- Ricardo Correia, Rubber Chicken - "The game’s cheerful two-dimensional graphical style will appeal to players of all ages, which is a good thing because it’s the perfect way for grandparents and grandchildren to test each other’s memories."
- Nik Ives-Allison, Gamezebo
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About Sherpa Reynolds
The aim of Sherpa Reynolds is to create projects ‘with a soul’, a personality that can be felt in every aspect, whatever form they may take.
More information
More information on Sherpa Reynolds, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Finger Band Credits
David McNab
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks